Becoming data analysts…

Words this week contributed by Ava Dawson, 6P.

This week the pupils have been developing their computer literacy skills  by using Microsoft Excel to create graphs that represented climate data in different locations in Brazil. They then drew conclusions and answered questions using their knowledge from their work.

Below we have some beautiful examples including a conclusion about analysing the data:

In other news, we are very excited to have launched the Just Giving webpage for the Year 6 charity walk on July 4th. We are extremely grateful for the generous donations already made. Please spread the word – copy of the letter below.

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our year 6 Stewardship Project undertaken in the autumn term, Homelessness in the Community, we are seeking to raise a significant amount of money for a local charity called Two Saints that supports homeless people. A member of this charity delivered a presentation to the Year 6 children in the autumn term, and this triggered a desire from the children to raise funds to aid homeless people in their community.

In order to raise money, the children and adults of Year 6, along with other adult school staff, will complete a sponsored walk of approximately 14km (8.5 miles). The walk will start from Queen Elizabeth Country Park, ascending and circumnavigating Butser Hill, before moving back down across the undulating terrain of the South Downs within the boundaries of QE Country Park.

Those of you who know the local area will appreciate that this is not a flat walk; we expect it to be an impressive challenge that the children will be able to accomplish with some determination and grit.  The Year 6 staff team recently navigated the route to conduct a pre-activity site visit, and believe that this experience will be both rewarding for the children as well as for the charity through any money raised.

Details of the Sponsored Walk are as follows:
Date: Monday 4th July 2022
Time: Normal School Time
Equipment needed: Sturdy, comfortable trainers/walking shoes.
School PE kit, lightweight waterproof coat, rucksack, sun cream, hat, packed lunch and water bottle.

Charity Donations web page

Many thanks for your support.

The Year 6 Team

Have a great weekend Year 6!

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