Monthly Archives: March, 2022

Spring cleaning…

For our first STEM day of the year, the children have problem to solve. Please read on…

You have just celebrated a fantastic end of mock-SATs party in your classroom. Unfortunately, confetti was used and the room is a mess. The cleaner is on holiday and has taken all the cleaning equipment. There is no dust pan or brush and cleaning-up looks like it will take a long time. You have found some motors, electrical wires, batteries and paper in the science cupboard. You have also found lots of empty plastic drinks bottles from the party. One of the children suggested using a hairdryer to blow all the confetti away, however this would only result in more mess!

Can you become an electrical engineer to design, make and test a suitable device that will suck up all of the mess and enable you to go home before it gets too late?

Year 6 have been set a homework task to think around how their device could work and what materials, and the size of them, would benefit its effectiveness. We are looking forward to some innovative ideas.

We are proud of the children’s efforts and commitment this week with their final mock SATs. They have made great strides and will continue to do so.

Diary Notes

Passion plays  – have you booked your seats?

6P Seals Performance – Weds 6th April

6L Penguins – Friday 8th April


Have a good weekend!

The Year 6 Team

Never too old to have a chapter read to you…

A central part of our week is our library time each Friday afternoon, where the children are read to by Mrs Porter – the school librarian. It is great for the children to hear her intonation, expression and rhythm through a varied range of texts that she selects on their behalf.

Please keep the Reading Passport ticking over – it is great to have some handed in already. The final day for delivery is April 1st.

The children know that they have their final mock-SATs week from Monday to Thursday next week. A restful and recuperative weekend could be in order for them as they have been working hard these past five days.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the weather!

The Year 6 Team

Singing is well and truly back on the menu after a two-year hiatus! This week the children enjoyed their second session with Mrs Richardson, a music specialist from Oaklands, where they practised their part-harmonies. We also finished the week with our first upper-school singing practice for quite some time.

Have a great weekend!


The Year 6 Team