Exploring the Golden Age of Baghdad AD900

The year 6 children have had a fantastically productive and creative last week of this spring term, particularly within their history topic of Baghdad.

Using clues gleaned from ancient scripts, the children had to visualise what a bird’s-eye view of Baghdad might have looked like. They included all of the features and then the actual view was revealed to the children so that they could compare. Below you will find a range of examples of their thinking.

In addition to this work, the children have also produced their third piece of writing within our Shackleton unit – this time a narrative recount of the moment at which The Endurance succumbed to the pressure of the ice. Some superb, suspenseful writing has come from this.

Over half-term, we would like the children to continue to use SATsBootcamp to work on their known areas of need in Reading, Writing and Maths – while also having a great and well-deserved rest.

Have a lovely break,


The Year 6 Team



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