Monthly Archives: January, 2022

Join Shackleton’s crew!

Our first writing outcome from our Shackleton unit has been completed. Take a look below. The children have done well to visualise and get into role as Shackleton looking to recruit a Captain. More pieces to follow soon…

Have a great weekend everyone.


The Year 6 Team

An Evolutionary Discovery

In Year 6 this week, we have kick-started our Evolution and Adaptation unit, where the children began to develop their understanding of evolution through the lens of the peppered moth and the impact of the Industrial Revolution.

Why not ask your child about it!?

Here is a sample of some of the outcomes:

Have a great weekend!

Look forward to seeing you online on Monday at 4:30pm for our virtual SATs meeting.

The Year 6 Team

It’s all about the sum of the parts!

The Year 6 children have made great efforts in their Maths learning this week, thinking deeply and using pictorial representations to make sense of the information given in problems involving fractions.

Here is a lovely example of this in action from Jaqueline.

Please keep checking your Parentmail for a link to the Year 6 SATs information presentation, taking place via Teams on Monday 24th January at 4:30.


Have a lovely weekend

The Year 6 Team