A good and varied week…

The Year 6 children have put in some extra effort this week, safe in the knowledge that next week we shall all be enjoying the outdoor environment at Fairthorne Manor!

They all worked well to incorporate the writing skills we have been working on in a detailed description of Lucy finding the wardrobe that would lead her to Narnia. In maths they applied their addition and subtraction skills to solve problems involving perimeter in a range of contexts. We completed our science investigation into lung capacity, drawing conclusions from our results and suggesting next steps, while in RE we learnt how hard it is to bring about harmony in places in the world where there is disharmony, looking at the work of CAFOD and other agencies.

So a busy week! But we are now all looking forward to Fairthorne Manor. Please read below for some last minute reminders which have also been communicated via Parentmail:

We are very excited to be leaving for Fairthorne Manor on Monday and are sure the children are too. We thought you might welcome some last minute information as you prepare over the weekend.


Drop-off and pick-up timings

Monday 18th October Drop-off

– Please drop-off in the normal fashion from 8:30am at the north gate. Children will then place their bags in the Unity Building and wait in the playground. Wear outdoor clothing suitable for the prevailing weather conditions.

Friday 22nd October Collection

We will return to school between 2:00 and 2:30pm and would appreciate it if arrangements can be made for the children to be collected ASAP upon arrival.



  • ROLL-ON DEODORANT ONLY PLEASE! Spray deodorants will set off the smoke alarms in the rooms.
  • AT LEAST TWO-PAIRS OF SHOES. Preferably 2 pairs (1 for wet activities) AND a pair of wellies.
  • A ‘WATERPROOF’ COAT IS ESSENTIAL. The weather is looking changeable and children will have a great time if they can remain dry. Waterproof trousers are useful too.
  • You do not need to provide a wetsuit!
  • A pair of water shoes (like you may use down the beach) can be brought.
  • HAIRDRYERS – We will provide a room with hairdryers for those children who may need them.
  • BRING A TORCH as we will be outdoors in the evenings
  • NO SWEETS TO BE TAKEN. Children can have £5 of tuck shop money (in change please) that they can learn to ration across the week.



Many thanks

The Year 6 Team

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