Monthly Archives: September, 2021

Fairthorne Manor Meeting Slides

If you were not at Monday’s presentation, the slide show is here

Fairthorne 2021

If you have any questions, do get in touch via the admin office email.


Kind regards


The Year 6 Team

One week closer!

Good afternoon! Another busy week has been had by all and this means we are one week closer to our Fairthorne Manor residential…The children have been returning their meal choice list and excitement is starting to bubble! Please, do not forget the Fairthorne Virtual Meeting which is to be held this Monday, 27th September at 5:00pm – a Microsoft Teams request has been sent to parents and carers. The year 6 team look forward to unveiling more information about the week and to clarify specific details that will make your child’s stay and experience all the richer and fulfilling.

The children have undertaken their homework duties extremely well over the last week, and it has been brilliant to see all homework handed in and completed – great resilience from the children!!! Other learning has seen the children dive into some rounding of number in maths so if you are out at the weekend carrying out your weekly shop, have your child round up or down the items on your shopping receipt to the nearest ten pence and to the nearest pound. This will help cement their rounding knowledge within a real-life context, and you can talk to them about why rounding money can be beneficial when dealing with money and weekly budgets.

Other learning has seen the children commence their thinking around our Science investigation for Circulation, and what type of investigation we might be able to carry out in relation to ‘Lung Capacity’ and the children in the class. There were some interesting ideas for experiments and plenty of discussion about how those ideas for experiments would or would not work in the classroom. Talk around feasibility, what it would look like and how reliable the results would be were also had. Watch this space for developments!!!

We hope you all have a good weekend.

The Year 6 team.

Getting into their stride…

Another solid week of learning has been enjoyed in Year 6, with the children now familiar with the daily routines and expectations.

Thank you to all parents/carers who were able to attend the ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Monday. We hope it was helpful and informative. Do let us know if you require clarification on any aspect of Year 6 life!

Our English learning culminated with the children penning an opening to their own version of ‘Way Home’. Through this, they focused on building layers of extra detail into their writing, considering where they could use action, description, thoughts and feelings or dialogue. This has resulted in some lively and engaging writing to share with their peers.

RE has begun its focus on Moses and the Ten Commandments, where the children considered the impact this set of rules would have had on the Hebrews given that they had spent many tough years in the wilderness. This thinking will all help the children when they come to respond to our question, “Is it easy to be a follower of God?”

Fairthorne Manor is just over one month away and preparations are continuing at pace. Please look out for the ‘Kit List’ and ‘Meal Choices Sheet’ that will be sent home this coming Monday. The latter needs to be completed in consultation with your child so that they understand the different meals they will be enjoying over the week. Further details surrounding the organisation of the residential will be relayed to parents via an online Teams presentation at 5:00pm on Monday 27th September.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you then.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 6 Team

Building our good learning habits.

A great week of learning has been had in Year 6, where much of our learning has required the children to consider ‘how’ they are going to approach tasks and why they made the choices they made.

This is known as being ‘metacognitive’ – thinking about our thinking – which has been found to be a powerful tool in helping children make good progress in all areas of learning. When pupils are aware of their strategies for writing a detailed paragraph or solving a maths problem, they begin to grow the independent learning habits that will be with them into adulthood.


4:30pm Monday 13th September – Year 6 Welcome Meeting

A link to this Teams meeting has been sent out via Parentmail and we are looking forward to ‘meeting’ you all then.

P.E. Days

These are every Tuesday and every second Thursday of the term. Children should continue to wear PE kit to school.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 6 Team.


A warm welcome to Year 6!

Together, Mr Pratley, Mr Land, Mrs Wibberley and Mrs Richardson would like to welcome our new pupils and parents to Year 6. With your support, we are committed to ensuring that the children enjoy their learning, make excellent progress and leave St Peter’s ready for the next stage in their education. Please do contact us via the school office if you have any queries or concerns that we can help you with.

We have had a productive two days of learning so far and the children have settled well into the new routines. As part of this, they will have brought home with them the following letters which we would be grateful if some time can be made to talk through the contents of:

  • Home School Agreement (white sheet)- this details parent, school and child responsibilities.
  • Term dates 2021/2022 (blue sheet)
  • Home Learning suggested schedule (yellow sheet)
  • Year 6 Must Reads (white sheet) – 6 books to be read throughout the year.

We are glad to invite all parents/carers to a Year 6 ‘Welcome Meeting’ via Microsoft Teams on Monday 13th September at 4:30pm. This will run for approximately 30 minutes and will focus on key dates, general ‘housekeeping’ and how you can best support  your child in this final year of their primary education.

Similarly, a Fairthorne Manor information evening will be scheduled to take place via Microsoft Teams towards the end of the month. You will hear from us in time about details and times!

Enjoy the weekend,

The Year 6 Team