Monthly Archives: June, 2021

Rio Ready!

The children have had a particularly active week in school where Penguins have conquered the Andrew Simpson Centre and then re-joined their year group for Tuesdays Sports Day ventures. Some great racing was had by all and Rochelle and Oliver proved to be the fastest boy and girl in the year group!

Today saw the culmination of this active week where the school celebrated their Carnival Day and Year 6 performed proudly their Brazilian dance – they saved their best performance ’til last. The adults in the year group were extremely proud of their focus and independence at completing the dance from memory and in synchronicity. A special mention to Miss Wibberley who choreographed the three minute sequence and rallied the children together.

Have a great weekend

The Year 6 Team

Getting creative…

We have been extremely creative across a range of subjects this week!

In English, the children used Chapter One of The Explorer (Katherine Rundell) as the driver for writing their own chapter extension, linking in nicely with our topic work on Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest.

On top of this, much rehearsal time has been given to perfecting the Brazilian dance that the children were taught last term. It is always a tricky task to co-ordinate over sixty children – many thanks to Mrs Wibberley as the males within the Year 6 team have four left feet between them!

The carnival theme has continued into our Design and Technology studies, where the children will be designing and creating a moving carnival fairground ride using motors and pulleys. We cannot wait for the tidy-up after the children have got their hands on the dowel and sellotape!

Everyone in 6L is looking forward to our day trip to Andrew Simpson Centre on Monday – remember to check Parentmail for today’s last-minute reminders.

We think there is a game of football on later tonight. Enjoy that, and enjoy the start to National Picnic Week!

The Year 6 Team


A fun week of wider curriculum studies!

Our learning this week has certainly had a worldly theme, tying in with our study of Brazil and looking forward to the start of the European Football Championships.

In topic, the children have used their research skills to discover more facts about the indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest, using these to create a fact file.  We focused on the Awa tribe, of whom only approximately 350 remain in the forest. Incredibly, there are still 100 of these who have yet to come into contact with the modern world. Their continual fight for survival in the face of logging companies shows us how important it is that we all make efforts to reduce deforestation.

To mirror our topic, we have now begun to read ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell which promises to be a gripping tale of survival. Pupils have also crafted their own Rio Carnival masks in Art and continue to learn and refine their dancing skills ready to unleash a jaw-dropping performance in front of the whole school in a few weeks time!

Our week came to a close with a wonderfully delivered and informative visit from Father Jeremy, where he explained, using many though provoking stories, how the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are at work in the world and in us. This is a tricky concept for children to understand but Father Jeremy had the children hooked for the duration of his visit. Thank you Father Jeremy!

Have a wonderful weekend

The Year 6 Team