A great last week of term!

Despite it being the end of a busy half-term, the children have kept their motivation high to produce some excellent quality work across a range of subjects.

In English, the children have shown that they can really connect with the thoughts and feelings of Sir Ernest Shackleton during his failed expedition, communicating these in the form of a monologue. This is no easy task for children of their age and we are very proud of their end products.

Maths has centred on solving real life problems with unknown numbers, the children using bar models and other representations to make sense of the information. They may now be able to help you decide which are the best value products when you are out shopping!

On Thursday we were treated to surprise visit from Mr Lavery, who answered both classes’ follow-up questions regarding his volunteering in a village in Nepal. Many of these questions centred around our Romero Award values, with children wanting to know what impact his work has had, what the community was like and how the experience has affected him. Great work!

When the final term arrives (the final term of primary school for our pupils), we have great deal to look forward to.

Here are some dates for your diaries:

Friday 11th June – Euros football competition/Art day. (Children to wear PE kits)

Thursday 17th June – Oaklands Year 7 Teachers in to talk with pupils about transition.

Monday 21st June – Mr Land’s class at Andrew Simpson Watersports Centre.

Tuesday 22nd June – In-house KS2 sports day (apologies no spectators)

Friday 25th June – Carnival Day

Monday 5th July – Mr Pratley’s class at Andrew Simpson Watersports Centre.


Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and half-term.


The Year 6 Team


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