Housekeeping Week!

With our first week of summer term behind us, it is time to remind everyone of a few fundamentals for year 6:

  • Homework is handed out on a Wednesday now and it has to be handed back in by the following Tuesday.
  • Spellings are also handed out on a Wednesday and children will be tested on the following Wednesday.
  • Home Learning words and phrases for discussion will also be handed out with the homework. Adults are reminded to really talk through the chosen words and phrases for the week as this aims to really cement new language and vocabulary into the minds of the children, so that it becomes ‘transferable language’ that they can then apply into their writing and discussion in class.

These days for handing out homework have had to change due to afternoon interventions that happen on a Monday and Tuesday, which means there is a lack of time to talk through and hand out the homework.

Children are reminded that they should be practising their home CGP SATs booklets that have been purchased by their parents. These continue to be an invaluable resource that will really help the child build confidence in their learning and in their independence.

On top of this, children have been asked which books out of their six ‘Must-Reads’ for the year they have read already, and these results have been recorded in the classroom! Parents, please keep encouraging your child to read and enjoy the books from the six ‘Must Reads!’

The children have also re-commenced the Reading Book Journal review (yellow book they bring home) where the children write a short review of the book they have read OR the pages/chapters they have read so far. They bring these yellow books in every other Wednesday, and the first Wednesday to bring in the book is Weds, 28th April.

Lastly, the children are going to enjoy a morning out at Peter Ashley Activity Centre on Tuesday 4th May (Penguins – Mr Land) OR Wednesday 5th May Seals – Mr Pratley), depending on your class. Please re-read the Parentmail to make yourselves well-acquainted with what you need to provide your child with on that day.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 6 Team


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