Straight back into it…

Having had a lovely (if slightly wet!) half-term break, the children settled down into their learning without a break in their stride from last term.

This week we have learnt how we can use factors to help with dividing by two digit numbers. For example, 388 divided by 12 can be solved by first dividing by 3 and then dividing the answer by 4. Have a go yourself – it really is very efficient. Next week we will be learning ‘old school’ long division. It may help to have a reminder of this method here

In our English learning we have been generating reasoned arguments to put in a letter to the BBC to encourage them to portray wolves in a more positive light.

Next week we were looking forward to listening to Debbie from the Waterlooville Foodbank and asking her some questions around their work. Unfortunately this can no longer happen but we have emailed her them instead and are looking forward to her responses.

We finished this week by taking a detailed look at the role of women in Ancient Greece, comparing their lives to those of modern women. This provoked some excellent discussion around what is ‘normal’ for women in today’s society and some outrage at the way in which Greek ladies were generally tied to the home!


Please can all children continue to practise their times tables and related division facts. The lockdown period definitel impacted the recall of these.

The ‘Autumn Reading Challenge’ is still ongoing. Well done to Caitlin Meechan for completing hers this week.


Have a lovely, restful weekend.


The Year 6 team.




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