Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Year 6 Wolf Pack!

After a really productive final week of term, we are all very much looking forward to some time at home to recharge and come back stronger in Autumn 2!

Our English learning this week was woven into our grammar studies where the children honed their skills in unpicking word, phrase and clause choices of the writer. It culminated in them independently writing a non-chronological report on wolves, where new facts were learned such as the fact that a wolf’s howl can be heard up to ten kilometers away.

Finalising our study of Creation in RE, the children have been thinking about whether it is easy to be a person of God. Unfortunately there are many problems and conflicts affecting the world, with many of God’s people making sacrifices to try and address these. The Year 6 children went on to think about who else could help make a difference and what they themselves could do.

This links nicely into a pupil driven project we will be undertaking in November to collect foodstuffs and monetary donations for the Waterlooville Foodbank. More information will follow when the children have prepared it.

The major focus in maths this week has been to secure a formal method for multiplying a four digit number by a two digit number. Great progress has been made and we would encourage all Year 6 children to keep dedicating ten minutes a day to pracise recall of their number facts on Sumdog and TTRockstars.


Peter Ashley Centre tripĀ 

Tuesday 10.11.20 (6Land) and Wednesday 11.11.20 (6Pratley)

Please make sure you have paid and completed the form which was sent out via parentmail.

All children will require a packed lunch on this day.




Pottering about this week!

A great time was had by all on Tuesday during our Harry Potter day of learning! The young wizards really stepped-up their efforts with a fantastic array of costumes and their efforts during the day. Dumbledore and Hagrid really hope they enjoyed it…

As you would expect, much of our English work revolved around a scene from Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone and the children loved watching the opening forty minutes of the film.

We have moved onto refining our skills in multiplication and division this week, where the children have tackled real-life problems and they have considered how drawing a table can help them see a pattern in the problem. Of course , knowing your number facts is a real help for these types of problems – please encourage and make time for your children to practise these as part of their home learning.

TTRockstars is a great resource – maybe you could challenege one-another!

Plans have been finalised for a morning of adventurous activities at The Peter Ashley Centre. A Parentmail has been sent with full details. If you need further information, do contact the school office.


Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 Team

Rain stopped play!

What a wet week! Torential rain stopped play on Tuesday afternoon during PE, which was a shame as the children were collecting data using the school’s Garmin GPS watches to be able to input it for their computing lessons later in the term. Therefore, we will have a longer PE session this Tuesday afternoon.

Writing this week has finished off studying Narnia and the children have thoroughly enjoyed writing from Lucy’s viewpoint as she explored the wardrobe and the winter wonderland. This learning will prepare and heighten their senses for Harry Potter week next week. Tuesday is Harry Potter dress-up day where children are encouraged to dress-up as a character from the film series. This is NOT mandatory however. Please be aware that they will be doing PE in their outfits, so trainers are best suited for the day.

Do ask your child to explain ‘Stefan’s Method’ for subtraction to you – they have been applying this nifty strategy to their maths this week.

Please keep up with the reading passport challenge and book reviews to help with your child’s self-reflection of their text. It has been great to see so many of the ‘must read’ books gracing the children’s tables. Keep it up!

Have a restful weekend.

The Year 6 Team