Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome to our first Year 6  blog post for the new academic year 2020-2021. We hope you visit this site on a regular basis to keep up-to-date with current events and notices regarding pupils in 6P and 6L.

The Year 6 staff team have enjoyed getting to know the children better in these, the first few days of term. We have been very impressed with the speed with which they have settled into new routines, particularly when many have been away from the school environment for some time now. Of course we would have liked to have met the parents to say hello and share important information for the year ahead. As this has not been possible, we have prepared a short(ish!) video presentation which can be found by clicking on the link below:

We continue to work on our presentation skills!

If you do require further clarification on any aspect please contact us via the school office email.

PE Days

PE in Year 6 takes place on the following days:

Tuesday – Every week.

Thursdays – Every other week beginning 17/9 (1/10, 15/10).

Children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE


Reading Journals

We have had a great response to the Reading Journal ‘Create your own cover’ competition. Winners have been chosen and will be announced next week.


To improve children’s speed of recall of number facts we would be very happy if they could spend 10 minutes practising on TTRockstars at  least three times per week. They have their logins in their maths homework books. The programme is set to automatically increase the challenge when a child can answer questions within a certain time-frame so it will ensure they keep progressing.


Have a great weekend

The Year 6 Team


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