Home Learning Week Beginning 8th June

Good afternoon everyone! We hope that you are well and safe. Mr Pratley has been busy this week trying to emulate the great Mary Berry by making a cake for Mrs Pratley as it is an important birthday for her! We are sure it will taste great! And, Mr Land has had a much more low-key week compared to Mr P…He has been resting a calf strain and taking it easy!

For those children attending St Peter’s this week, another reminder that Monday and Thursday are our PE days so please wear your kit into school on those days.

Here is the Home Learning for the week ahead…

Guided Reading (30 mins per day)       Year book for the Summer: The Explorer, by Katherine Rundell

Monday – look at the front cover of our new book study, The Explorer.

Task – Using the image above and what is within it, explain what you think the book will be about. Justify the reasons for your thoughts. Make multiple points for your thoughts and explain each point. Make this a good, developed paragraph. THINK – what can you see? What is around the outside of the cover? What nouns can you see within the image? THINK – how might these nouns impact upon the story?

Tuesday – read pages 1-4 below, from The Explorer. Then, answer the questions.

Retrieval questions and finding evidence to prove it

1) What has happened on page 1?

2) Was Fred the pilot or the passenger? How do you know?

3) Look at page 1. Was the Amazon River running in a straight line

or did the river have bends to it?

4) Find one word on page 1 that shows your answer to (3)?

5) Was Fred sat in an aisle seat or a window seat?

6) What evidence from the text on page shows your answer to (5)?


Wednesday – Look at Chapter 1 again and answer the questions below.

LO: to identify word meaning through text understanding and the ‘GIST’

  • 1)Look at page 1-3.

What words, phrases and clauses show that the setting of the book is set in the Amazon? Next to your evidence, state whether each piece of evidence is a word, phrase or clause.            (3)

  • 2)Look at page 1.

What words and phrases show that there is an ‘air’ and ‘sense’ of tension and nervousness? Explain why each word you have chosen shows a ‘sense’ of nervousness and possible tension. (4)

  • 3)What phrase is used to describe the river water below? (1)
  • 4)Look at page 2. What phrase shows the climate of the area? (1)
  • 5)‘The trees rose up.’

What does this sentence indicate to the reader? What is it actually telling the reader?           (1)

  • 6)Why is the sentence in (Q5) a clever and subtle sentence? (1)

Thursday – Have a go at these trickier THINKING questions.

GOING DEEPER – Analysis of author language choice and their CONSCIOUS CONTROL OF SENTENCE LENGTH for impact

1)Look at chapter 1 again.

  • Read from the paragraph beginning, ‘Fred stared at the man…’ to the end of the chapter.

How does Rundell use suspense to build tension? Reference phrases OR clauses OR sentences that show where the suspense builds tension and then justify your answer.  (4)

  • 2)Again, read from the paragraph beginning, ‘Fred stared at the man…’ to the end of the chapter.

How does Rundell use dialogue to show character feelings? Reference phrases OR clauses OR sentences of speech that show where the dialogue shows character feelings and then justify your answer.        (4)

Friday – Read for enjoyment for 30 minutes.


Writing (50 minutes per day)

Monday – Think about what you did on the weekend that was exciting and maybe a little adventurous.

Task – Practise writing a range of short sentences for impact and precision that reveal WHAT was exciting/adventurous about your event and how this happened. Imagine you are in the role of writing a story, so you could use first person (I) or third person (he, she).

Further task – Now, write a variety of longer sentences that perhaps describe what you could see, hear, feel (think of your senses) when you were out on the weekend, JUST BEFORE the moment you broke into the exciting or adventurous situation you found yourself in.

Tuesday, Wednesday & first part of Thursday (20 minutes)

The Explorer, by Katherine Rundell – Chapter 1 writing opportunity

-Read chapter 1 again.

-Then, go towards the end of the chapter.

-Read again from, ‘Fred stared at the man…’ to the end of the chapter.

Task – Your task is to re-write this scene. Imitate, vary and improve how Rundell uses short sentences for suspense, and dialogue to show character feelings, when you are re-writing and maybe adding to the scene.

So, you have to create your own ending to the chapter. You could use the spellings for this week for some ideas within your writing too.

-The end of the chapter has to be between one and two pages long, but no more than 2 pages. THINK about your CONSCIOUS (DELIBERATE) USE OF LANGUAGE AND SENTENCES USED FOR A PURPOSE AND REASON – ask yourself as you are writing, ‘Why have I included this sentence? What is its function/job/purpose? How does it add ‘value’ to the writing?’

-Make sure you have a good grasp of what has happened in the chapter up to the paragraph beginning, ‘Fred stared at the man…’ so you can then write a believable and realistic piece that would be able to take the place of what is there already.

The rest of Thursday (30 minutes) & Friday

Look at what you have written so far for your end of chapter 1 story. On the next new page from where you are at, respond to these REFLECTIVE questions relating to your end of chapter story writing.

  • 1)Does it flow and link together well? How can you tell? Prove it and justify your thinking.
  • 2)Why have you used new paragraphs in your writing?
  • 3)For each new paragraph, which TiP ToP (Time; Place; Topic; Person) idea did you decide to use to then be able to start a new paragraph?
  • 4)Did you use similar ideas to Rundell for the end of the chapter or different ideas?
  • 5)Which of your ideas were similar and which were different? Prove your thinking using evidence from your writing and Rundell’s writing to show how they are similar or different.
  • 6)Which is your most powerful short, suspenseful sentence?
  • 7)Why did you choose this sentence for (Q6) as being the most powerful? THINK – what do the words get across to the reader?
  • 8)Which is your weakest sentence in the end of your chapter?
  • 9)Why did you choose this sentence as your weakest one? What makes it weaker than the other sentences? THINK about a couple of reasons…


Spellings – 3 x a week for 15 mins each time:

Look; cover; write; check (and any strategies you know work well for you).

aeroplane    concentration    twitched    grimacing     ferocious     whine     lurched     ceased

Further thinking to help with your English tasks for the week:

Think about what each of these 8 words mean and then think about any synonyms you know for them off the top of your head. eg. concentration = focus…

Now, look up each word and find synonyms that are similar in meaning to each word. THINK – what is another word for ‘aeroplane?’ And another? And another?

Think of ways that you could hook in some of these spellings to your end-of-chapter story. Some of these spellings could really give you ideas to write about. For example, ‘aeroplane’ will immediately give you the subject of a sentence…’Twitched’ could give you the reaction of a character or the aeroplane itself…Maybe the plane ‘twitched’ in its movement as a propeller ‘ceased’ working…



This week in maths we are going to revise and deepen our understanding of fractions in a range of contexts. We have also introduced a daily arithmetic task to keep your skills sharp! If you are unsure of how to solve any of these calculations, visit the resources on Satsbootcamp.co.uk for a refresher.

Monday – To recall and use equivalence between fractions and decimals.

Arithmetic warm-up – click on the link to complete Monday’s 5 questions

Year 6 Summer Week 2 Arithmetic

Now work through the Oak National Academy lesson here:


The worksheet questions plus a couple of additional problems are here:

Mon questions


Tuesday – To find decimal equivalents of fractions.

Arithmetic warm-up – click on the link to complete Tuesday’s 5 questions

Year 6 Summer Week 2 Arithmetic

Now work through the Oak National Academy lesson here:


The worksheet questions plus a couple more can be found here:

Tuesday tasks


Wednesday –  To add fractions with different denominators

Arithmetic warm-up. Click on the link and complete Wednesday’s questions.

Year 6 Summer Week 2 Arithmetic

Now take part in the lesson here. When you come to do the independent tasks, click on the Wednesday task link.


The independent tasks can be printed off here:

Wednesday Tasks


Thursday/Friday – To apply our skills in a real-life problem.

The South Shore Running Club Problem – click on the link below to read about this problem, then complete the 3 related tasks.

Thursday Running Club Problem

Thurs Fri running club pupil tasks

Remember to email in any completed work that you are proud of!


Geography – Urbanisation: The Great Tug of War.

In this week’s lesson, we will learn about what pushes Brazilian people to want to leave the rural area of Caatinga and why they are pulled towards urban centres such as Brasilia. Your task is to write a letter in role as a resident of Caatinga, explaining to a friend what is pushing and pulling you to move into the city.

First – read the pdf powerpoint slides

Brazil Lesson 3 Urbanisation

Watch this video to learn more about push and pull factors:


There are some more images of rural and urban Brazil here:

Brazil Lesson 3 Images of Brazil

Your task:

Imagine that you live in The Caatinga. Write a letter to your friend explaining why you want to move away from your village (push factor) and move to Brasilia (pull factor).

You can use the writing frame here to help you:

Brazil Lesson 3 Writing Frame




Family Science Activity – Friday 5th June 2020

Homemade Lava Lamp https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/homemade-lava-lamp

ExpeRiment with objects of different shapes and sizes. See what makes a difference to whether something sinks or floats in water.

Learn how an object’s density affects if something is likely to sink or float. https://www.rigb.org/docs/lavalamp_infosheet_0_1.pdf

Questions to ask children:

· Before each activity: can you predict what will happen? Why do you predict that? (For example, can you predict what will happen when we squash the tin foil really tightly?

· Can you predict what will happen if we use metal spoon instead of a plastic one?

· Can you predict what will happen if we peel the fruit?) Why does the diet drink float while the non-diet one sinks?

· What do you think will happen when we pour the oil into the glass of water? Why?

· What do you think is in the bubbles that are rising up in the lava lamp? Why do you think they sink back down again?

Going Further:

· You can give your child or children a lump of plasticine and explore how to mould the plasticine into shapes that float. Discuss what the floating shapes have in common compared to shapes that sink.

· The density of an object affects its buoyancy. You can learn more about this and how density affects whether something sinks or floats here: http://bit.ly/

· Buoyancy You can try to make a ‘density tower’ by floating liquids of different density on top of each other, as shown in this video: http://bit.ly/DensityTower · Here’s a quick lava lamp using fizzy water – http://bit.ly/FizzyLavaLamp


ART Challenge

Read all about it! St Peter’s are IN THE NEWS!

For this week’s Art Challenge I would like you to produce some art using old newspapers or magazines! It can be anything from cutting out shapes and creating your own abstract art, or landscape, to making something using Paper Mache. What you make can be left black and white or even painted (using watercolours is very effective). Whatever you create I’m sure you will ‘Make the headlines’ on the Art Blog!

Click on the link for some inspiring ideas!

Art challenge Read all about it

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:


Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson



Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Heitor Villa Lobos.


Why was Heitor Villa Lobos considered a musical trailblazer?

Now listen to the whole piece on the 2nd video.

Choose your own form of transport. What is the main rhythm it makes? (For example what rhythm might the pedals on a bike or the oars on a rowing boat make?)

How could you play this rhythm? (Perhaps you could recreate the rhythm of the oars by splashing your hand in a bowl of water.)

What other sounds does your transport make? How can you add these? Could other members of your family join in so you can layer the sounds?




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