YEAR 6 HOME LEARNING: Week beginning 4th May 2020

Hello again Year 6! Thank you so much for keeping in touch via the new class email addresses. Be sure to check out ‘The Gallery’ post in this blog to see some of the great work that is taking place. If you are not sure of how to get in touch, the class emails are:

Penguins 6L:

Seals 6P:

You can take a photo of work you are proud of using your phone and share it to the above email address – simple.

What have you been doing to keep active this week? Are you still joining in with Joe Wicks or have you discovered a new way to keep moving? Mr Pratley is feeling proud as he completed a 266km virtual bike ride in five days, riding on Zwift online with some old cycling buddies from the 1980’s. Technology is pretty amazing in how it can bring people together. Mr Land has been faithfully following Mrs Land’s directions and lifted at least one tonne (how many kg is that?) of old paving slabs from his garden, readying it for a little bit of remodelling. He was definitely looking a little sore in school on Thursday!

Okay – we will start with English this week:

Guided Reading & Vocabulary/Grammar

Monday – Read the extract below from the book, The Clockwork Crow, by Catherine Fisher.

Chapter 1

Seren Rhys is freezing.

A clock ticks, frost is white. Stars travel through the night.

The railway station was deserted. The only thing that moved in its silent shadows was the big hand on the clock as it crept towards the hour of eight. Seren stared up at it, hypnotised and weary. How could it go so slowly? Had she really only been waiting half an hour? It seemed like forever. She was muffled in a heavy coat, a woollen hat, scarves and a shawl, but she had never been colder in all her life. Even with thick gloves thrust deep in her pockets she couldn’t feel her fingers. In fact, if she didn’t move right now she would probably freeze to the spot, so she jumped to her feet and began to stamp up and down the bare platform, the thump of her clumsy boots ringing in the bitter night. She stamped fourteen steps to the wall. Fourteen steps back. To the wall. And back. Over everything – the benches and the roof and the railway posters – a thin layer of frost shimmered like crushed diamonds in the light from the lamp. The night was so silent it scared her. She breathed out a cloud and then turned quickly as the stationmaster’s door opened.

Task – Respond to the questions below:

1. Where is Seren? (1)

2. How do you know time is passing slowly? Give two pieces of evidence from the text. (2)



3. The author says the frost ‘shimmered like crushed diamonds.’ What does this mean? (2)

4. List three different things that tell you Seren is freezing. List the words from the text only:

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

5. Pick 5 words or phrases that you think are REALLY strong and are a deliberate choice of word or phrase by the author (the author chose them on purpose). Create a table with the headings below and write each word or phrase and its meaning, along with any synonyms.

Word Meaning Any synonyms?


Task – ‘Thinking about the reading as the writer’

Look at the extract from Monday again.

1) The purpose of this writing was to entertain the reader.

Give four examples that show the writer tried to entertain the reader.

Quote the words or phrases only from the text for each example, and EXPLAIN HOW these words or phrases show ‘entertainment’ to the reader. THINK – what does it get the reader thinking about?

2) Exploring this text more deeply, what exact effect does the writer create in chapter one?

Tick one

It builds tension ………

It creates excitement ………

It hints at a mystery ………

Tick one option you feel is most accurate and explain your decision. Why did you choose this option? Use evidence from the text to support your opinion. (3)

3) Which option from Q2 would be most accurate as a second choice for you? Explain your thinking and use evidence from the text to support your choice. (3)


Task – Exploring the writer’s use of sentence length and its effect and impact on the ‘rhythm’ and ‘flow’ of the writing

1) Find where the author uses longer sentences within the text. Give two examples where the author has used longer sentences for description.

2) Why are these accurate in how they have been used by the author? What is the author trying ‘to get at’ by describing in this way?

3) Find where the author uses shorter sentences. Give two examples where the author has used these short sentences for impact, tension or to show action.

4) How are these accurate in their use? Why do they work well? What is their job?


Task – Imitating the author!

Re-read the longer and shorter sentences you chose for your answers from yesterday’s reading lesson. Rehearse and imitate (do sentences that are similar) these longer sentences and shorter sentences that you chose from the text yesterday.

Then, having imitated them a few times, write sentences that could follow on from your new, imitated sentences.


Did she get on the train? Why did she? Where was she going?

Write the next 100 words to the story, trying to stay in the role and ‘writing style’ of Catherine Fisher. Think about your responses from Tuesday and Wednesday to give yourself ideas of how she writes and how she engages the reader.

English writing

Monday & Tuesday – Find a picture that interests you that could work for an extract within a story. Use this picture of your choice to write an atmospheric setting description that also includes a character description woven within it. So, your writing WILL need a setting and a character involved within the plot and the scene.

DO NOT JUST MAKE A LIST OF THINGS THE CHARACTER CAN SEE!!! The writing needs to blend together a setting (what you can see and sense) AND the actions, physical features, movements and thoughts/feelings of a character (the character description).

You have a 1 ½ page maximum for this setting description/character description.

Wednesday – Read the extract below from the book, The Clockwork Crow, by Catherine Fisher.

The Clockwork Crow – Chapter 1

Seren Rhys is freezing.

A clock ticks, frost is white. Stars travel through the night.

The railway station was deserted. The only thing that moved in its silent shadows was the big hand on the clock as it crept towards the hour of eight. Seren stared up at it, hypnotised and weary. How could it go so slowly? Had she really only been waiting half an hour? It seemed like forever. She was muffled in a heavy coat, a woollen hat, scarves and a shawl, but she had never been colder in all her life. Even with thick gloves thrust deep in her pockets she couldn’t feel her fingers. In fact, if she didn’t move right now she would probably freeze to the spot, so she jumped to her feet and began to stamp up and down the bare platform, the thump of her clumsy boots ringing in the bitter night. She stamped fourteen steps to the wall. Fourteen steps back. To the wall. And back. Over everything – the benches and the roof and the railway posters – a thin layer of frost shimmered like crushed diamonds in the light from the lamp. The night was so silent it scared her. She breathed out a cloud and then turned quickly as the stationmaster’s door opened.

Task – Draw a picture of the scene using the words from the text to inform what is in the drawing and where it is positioned. Label your picture and try to be as accurate as possible. THINK – what objects are there? Where are they in relation to each other?

Thursday & Friday

Using the text so far and what you have learnt, choose one of the following two challenges to complete OVER TWO DAYS:

1) Continue the scene where Seren has just seen the stationmaster’s door open. Think about what you would describe and write about. Why had she got on the train? Was she meeting someone? Who? Why? Think – how could you develop the plot sensibly and realistically?

2) The Stationmaster is writing up his daily log. What might he have noticed and commented on from the evening shift? Was there anything routine and normal? Did anything strike him as strange? The Stationmaster would be elaborating upon his thoughts and thinking within his log.

Spellings (15 mins x 3 days)

Learn these following words. Use your known strategies to help you memorise them.

hypnotised       visualised      cryptic      weary      bleary      scarves      thrust      bare

Use Google online or a thesaurus to find two other words for each that mean a similar thing (synonyms).



Well done if you successfully solved the maths puzzles for last week. Check the post before this one for the answers.

Monday / Task One

Head over to MyMaths and complete arithmetic assessment 1 which has been set for you.

Have a closer look at your incorrect answers. Use Satsbootcamp to practice the skills you need.


Tuesday /Task Two

Today we are going to learn some simple algebra. Study the problem below and the worked example. Can you see how a bar model was used to represent the information? Which value was found first? Why? Practice the strategy used.

Now – apply what you have learnt to solve this one. Remember to show your workings – use a bar model to help.

Wednesday / Task Three

Visit MyMaths and complete ‘Mixed Assessment 1. This involves ordering decimals, fractions and finding missing angles. You can use satsbootcamp to revise these areas first if you need to.


Thursday / Task Four

Can you work out what is happening in each of these different sequences? Fin the next number and write the rule.


Friday / Task Five

Login to sumdog and complete the challenge you have been set.



This week we have a special piece of History learning linked to VE Day celebrations.

Click the link below to see the activities:

Home Learning Activities

The reading extracts can be found here:

Extracts to read

Have fun!


Florence  B. Price

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video

Why is Florence B Price considered to be a musical trailblazer?

Watch the video again and practise the Hand Bone Dance with one, then 2 hands.

Now watch the 2nd video. Can you perform the Hand Bone Dance in time to the music?



Click on the link below to find details of this week’s Art Challenge.

Art Challenge Celebrations for VE Day

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