MI6 wannabes..

This week, Year 6 children have developed their abilities to explain how they meet the requirements of a specific job role – MI6 Intelligence Officer. They have had fun playing around with the formal language while selling their skills using well chosen, targetted examples. Hopefully, the skills they are learning will come in useful later in life as they search for employment. Who knows – some may even become Spooks!

Maths work linked with our spy theme, as children have been refining their ability to work wth co-ordinates in all four quadrants.

Now we are in Lent, we have been focusing on the three key aims of this season – Praying, Fasting and Almsgiving. With this in mind, hopefully you have received the small donation envelope for the CAFOD Appeal; we will be very grateful for any monies that can be spared.

Have a lovely weekend. Fingers crossed the sun will continue to shine as it has today!

The Year 6 Team

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