A recipe for successful learning.

Year 6 children applied their maths skills to solving a wide range of recipe based problems this week, from flapjacks and ice-creams to a meat-free-Monday lentil bolognese! This involved scaling up and down of ingredients to calculate how much of each item would be needed for a given number of people. We were impressed with the strategies children were choosing to find quantities for 3 when the recipe was for 5. Maybe they can help out at home this weekend?

Our English work is now focused on writing convincing applications for the role of Intelligence Officer with MI6. The children have perused the requirements of the role and identified the skills and qualities that they possess that will set them apart from other applicants. We are now working on embedding the formal language required to effectively communicate these ideas.

A highlight of the week was Art with Mrs Pearson, where the children have worked extremely well, applying their skills to develop pieces depecting scenes from Good Friday. We look forward to the finished pieces.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team

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