Happy New Decade!

The children seem to have come back with renewed vigour and have settled quickly!

We have enjoyed getting to grips with Wolf Brother – a mini unit for our writing – and have finished our guided reading novel ‘Oranges in no-mans land’.

Maths has continued to develop the children’s understanding and application of fractions within real-life contexts, where they are improving awareness of fractional parts and wholes of amounts.

Our PE topic is now hockey  – a new invasion game for many pupils to learn. PE kits do need to be in school at all times.

Please encourage children to make a start on their CGP revision booklets! 10 minutes a day would be sufficient. We would also be grateful if they spent time learning their times table facts through TTRockstars. Do get in touch if you require assistance with this.


Have a relaxing weekend.

The Year 6 Team

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