Monthly Archives: November, 2019

Thank you to all the parents and family members who attended the Year 5 and 6 Mass on Tuesday, where the focus was on reflecting and thinking about those who are persecuted across the world for what they believe in – ‘Faith and Freedom’ was the message for the Mass.

We have focused on Ancient Greece within our English, where the children have decided whether they would rather reside in Athens or Sparta, and they have persuaded prospective citizens to move to their preferred city. The children have enjoyed learning about city life in this time period, and were intrigued to find out the unique features of each city and the impact of this on the lives of the people.

Please remember to send in your donations of tinned foodstuffs for our Christmas Caring Cans Appeal and empty 1 1/2 or 2 litre bottles for use in our STEM day next week.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 6 Team

Learning to divide – ‘Old School’

Whilst we have been continuing to develop ideas for our story based on Seigfried Sassoon’s poem ‘The Hero’, this week we have also learnt new strategies for division. Did you know that it is often easier to use factors to divide a larger number by a two digit number? For example, 1248 can be divided by 24 by first dividing by 4 and then dividing the answer by 6. However, this isn’t possible with prime numbers such as 17, 23 and 29 – that is where old fashioned long division comes in. Children can find it quite tricky to master straight away, so, if you have some spare time to practice with them every little helps!

Please remember our Year 5 and 6 Mass will be held at Sacred Heart Church this coming Tuesday from 10:30 am. Parents, relatives and friends are most welcome to attend this special celebration which this year has the theme of ‘Red Wednesday’.

Have a lovely weekend,


The Year 6 Team

We are ‘Junior Citizens’ of Havant and Waterlooville!

Another fantastic week of learning by the Year 6 pupils was rewarded with a special trip to Fort Purbrook on Friday morning. This event, organised by Havant Borough Council, focused on how to be a good citizen of the community and how to stay safe in today’s modern world. The children were full of insightful responses and represented the school in a mature and responsible manner! They are sure to have useful new knowledge to share, so please ask them about it!

Today culminated in the pupils delivering an award-winning, whole-school assembly where they revealed their experiences of the recent Fairthorne residential. The younger children loved the comedic value in some of the retellings!

Have a restful weekend,

Year 6 Team

Fairthorne Memories

Welcome back from a well-deserved rest – the children have certainly benefited from their time away after our Fairthorne adventure.

We have used our residential experiences to create a ‘Training and Survival Guide’ for Year 5 and the children of the school, where they have set-out a manual that identifies key tips and techniques that can help the reader last the distance at Fairthorne. Blending our understanding of multiplication, shape,area and perimeter has seen the children working between different domains in maths – this has required great links to have been made and developed one of our key Learning Circle Values: Resilience.

The week ended with a focus on Black History, specifically delving deeper into the lives of significant people in South Africa. The success of the country at the Rugby World Cup triggered a focus to look at Siya Kolisi and his impact across the country. This was considered alongside a biographical study of Nelson Mandela. The children are looking forward to sharing their findings with classmates in the near future.

Finally, a reminder that Year 6 are visiting Fort Purbrook this Friday morning, 15th November to take part in the Havant Borough Council Citizenship Programme. This will take part in the normal school day – pupils just need a warm coat and sensible shoes.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 6 team.