Monthly Archives: September, 2019


The children have really adjusted to their new classroom environment well, settling in to their new routines efficiently.

For English, the children have been looking at Narnia and refreshing their writing skills from before the summer holidays. They have been developing their reflective skills during this and are hopefully looking forward to their unit on Oliver Twist – a heritage text focus for them.

Kicking-off our History topic, Ancient Greece, Year 6 have explored atlases to locate Greece in the world, and they have zoomed-in on its climate, neighbouring countries and its degrees of latitude and longitude. They used their creative skills to express this information!

It was great to get outside for our weekly Tuesday PE where we began our cross-country unit of learning. After a few false starts, children improved quickly in how they used their moving body parts to jog more efficiently and for longer. As they will understand, this is the foundation of endurance running, which we will explore in the weeks to come.

A few reminders:

  • Homework is handed out on Monday and due in by Friday.
  • Weekly spellings will be tested on Friday.
  • Vocabulary work (mainly in the form of discussing words) will be sent home on Mondays.
  • A short activity will be set on Sumdog to develop fluency in maths.

We look forward to seeing you at the Year 6 Welcome Meeting at 5:30pm on Monday 23rd September.


Year 6 Team

Welcome back!

The Year 6 Team enjoyed officially welcoming the students  – who we last met as Year 5’s – into their new classes in Year 6. We are all very much looking forward to getting to know each and every child and are excited by the learning opportunities that are planned.

Our first two days have been very productive – looking at the relationships between larger numbers in Maths, analysing and collecting ideas for a setting description in English and familiarising ourselves with the different styles of reading questions in Guided Reading.

In RE we spent time interpreting what the revised school mission statement would look like in words, phrases and actions while Science lessons introduced our first topic – Light.

Pupils have been issued with their new school homework diaries  – further information regarding their use and expectations will follow shortly. Parents should also have received a new Home-School Agreement – this is for your information and does not need to be returned to school.

Upcoming dates for your diaries:

Parent Welcome Meeting/Faithorne Residential Evening – Monday 23rd September 5:30-6:30

Fairthorne Residential – Mon Oct 14- 18

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team