Bradley Wiggins eat-your-heart-out!!!

Beautiful weather arrived just in time to make the Year 6 Bikeability Week an enjoyable experience with not a damp saddle in sight. After a day of scrutiny from the instructors, the children then faced the local roads, developing their road awareness in real-life situations. They demonstrated commitment and critical thinking to remain safe at all times. Well done to all!

Inbetween riding their bikes, pupils have been investigating how heart rate responds to differing levels of exertion; they carried out a range of physical activities and compared these to their own measured resting heart rate. Bar charts were created to illustrate the data and children calculated their ‘mean’ for each activity. This allowed for discussions surrounding anomalies within a set of data – some dodgy HR monitoring took place with one person reporting a heart rate of 14 beats per minute! He must be fitter than Mo Farah!!!

Hopefully we will see you at Summerfest tonight and at the Sports Day on Monday morning at 9am.

The Year 6 Team

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