South of the Equator….

A good week of learning ended on a high with the whole of Year 6 taking a closer look at the country of Brazil. Having identified similarities and differences between Southsea and Waterlooville (there are quite a few!), children moved on to do the same with Waterlooville and Rocinha (in Brazil). We also located Brazil within the world, creating ‘clue’maps to identify where the country sits. This will help develop the children’s prior knowledge of Brazil which is one of our topics for the Summer Term.

We are now well into writing monologues and letters from the viewpoint of Ernest Shackleton; we have been impressed with the children’s ability to empathise with his situation and communicate a certain ‘feeling’ towards the reader.

We are looking forward to taking part in ‘Stations of the Cross’ which will be held in the chapel at Oaklands next Wednesday afternoon.

The Year 6 Team

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