Here comes the sun!

What a wonderful week of weather we have enjoyed, welcoming the pupils back to school after a well-deserved week off. We hope you enjoyed a restful break – the pupils certainly seem ready to get back on with their learning!

In English, we have been looking at how writers use dialogue in their stories to move the action on. Children played around with this technique using some scenes from Stormbreaker; we aim to write an additional chapter in the next few days.

Our maths lessons have focused on using and applying understanding of co-ordinates relating to the position of shapes on axis. We are now much more confident in translating shapes, completing shapes with missing sides and identifying missing co-ordinates on blank grids.

If you would like to find out more information about the teachings of the ten gurus in Sihkism, please ask a Year 6 child. Having researched facts surrounding this interesting religion, pupils were given a choice of form to present their information: non-chronological report, leaflet or poster. The resultant pieces have been well though out and creatively produced; it is going to be a challenge to pick some for the KS2 Spirituality Book.

Many thanks for your continued support and we look forward to meeting with parents and carers at the upcoming parents’ evenings.

The Year 6 Team.

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