STEM Day – filling the vacuum!

Another busy week in Year 6 culminated on Friday with our second STEM Day of the year! The children designed and constructed their very own personalised vacuum cleaner – they were that good, that a lot of the groups ended up being able to hoover the mess they had created! There is officially now no excuse why your child/children cannot keep their bedroom floors tidy! It was fair to say that some of the children, in the morning, found the prospect of this task a challenge but they honestly really showed their inner steel and resilience. All adults were genuinely proud at their perseverance.


In other news, the children have really developed their collaboration skills – one of our 6C’s – in their PE time where they have combined and applied their hockey skills to partake in small-sided matches. It has been good to witness their independence and maturity with the demands that this sport brings. Hopefully, some of the girls can aspire to reach the gold standard of our current Olympic champions!

Please keep the SATS Bootcamp revision sessions going as part of your child’s home learning. We very much appreciate it.

The Year 6 Team.

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