Monthly Archives: January, 2019

Alex Rider wanabees and decimal converts!

Having spent this week deepening their knowledge of decimals and fractions, Year 6 children should be able to explain that we are now 1/3 or 0.333 through our six week term! In addition to our daily arithmetic, we have applied our understanding of place value to solving problems involving decimals, explaining our reasoning.

Our English lessons have focused on crafting persuasive paragraphs that communicate the skills and strengths children have that make them suited to the position of an intelligence officer in MI6. During the week we read a current advert for such a position which helped identify the skills and attributes required and the specific vocabulary to be used. To develop our use of repetition for effect, we watched and evaluated excerpts from speeches made by Donald Trump – someone who adopts this technique for their own benefit.

In R.E. we continued to focus on Saul and considered the impact Jesus’ revelation had on him as he was journeying to Damascus. Next week we are going to learn about a well-known celebrity and their revelation moment. Who could it be?
Thank you to all parents and carers for your continued support with home learning, particularly with reading and maths. It is good to see that children are making use of the CGP books purchased last term.

We have a SATS parent meeting this Tuesday, 22 nd January at 5:30pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

Year 6 Team.

Happy New Year!

We hope that you all had a fun and restful Christmas break. Year 6 have come back to school in fine fettle and have already shown a high level of commitment to their learning this week – this has been exciting to witness!

The children have started a writing unit analysing and unpicking Anthony Horowitz’s Stormbreaker novel, and they have been thinking creatively about the attributes they possess to also become a spy, like the main character, Alex.

In R.E. the children have commenced their ‘Revelation’ unit where they have explored the role of Saul in the Bible and his remarkable, unlikely Conversion. Attached are a couple of examples of a ‘Wanted’ poster for Saul – the children really enjoyed completing the posters.


On top of this, the Poetry Competition 2019 has been unveiled to the children, and they should all have a copy of the booklet at home to practise their chosen poem. We strongly recommend this process as it not only promotes a love and enjoyment of poetry, but it also instils the element of perseverance and resilience – qualities that will serve them well in other facets of their life. Therefore, please endeavour to help your child/children learn their chosen poem. They have five weeks to learn it!

Thanks, and enjoy your weekend.

The year 6 team.