Feeling more festive…

Well that week flew by and Christmas is fast approaching; hopefully you are all feeling well prepared.

Between singing practises for the Carol Services in school and at Sacred Heart Church, the children did manage to continue their learning. In English, to tie-in with our Wolfbrother topic, we learnt about how to prevent bears from entering your property. Children have been allowed to choose their viewpoint for writing from: TV reporter, Park Ranger, Neighbourhood Watch Leader or Bear Protection Organisation. We spent time thinking about how each organisation may present their writing differently and are looking forward to seeing a good range of outcomes next week.

In maths we have been revising and deepening our understanding of geometry – particularly angles in shapes. It has been nice to move away from the four operations after a long term!

In RE we have continued to explore Advent with a focus on why Christians believe in the second coming of Christ and how this means we must always be ready. With that in mind we’ll bring this short blog to a close and allow you to continue with your own preparations!

Christmas wishes,

The Year 6 Team

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