For the second time in two weeks, Year 6 made the long walk to Sacred Heart Church to join in with our whole school Advent Mass celebration. Alough they are well used to this journey, this time pupils were tntrusted with the care of Year R children. We were very impressed with the mature and caring way in which they carried this out, getting to know their new charges as we walked along.
In other news, Year 6 have been applying their learning to some SATS quizzes during the week. As expected, they have been keen to have a go and test their knowledge and understanding in reading, grammar and maths. We are proud of the determination and resilience children continue to show.
Today (Friday) was dedicated to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning – a reward for pupils’ efforts all week. In Year 6, we became bridge engineers. After exploring different approaches to spanning a gap in the land, children worked in small groups to design and plan their own solutions to Mrs Pelling’s daily commute across the Solent from the Isle of Wight. Again, the children impressed with their application of learning. Many had clearly identified the shapes that help make strong structures, with good use made of triangles and arches within their own ideas. Communication and teamwork were key in the task and those who managed this well were also generally more successful.
It was good to meet so many parents at the recent parents’ evenings and we would like to thank you for your continued support. If you didn’t manage to order the CGP revision books by the Thursday deadline don’t worry – there will be another opportunity in the new year.
Have a relaxing weekend
The Year 6 Team