Monthly Archives: November, 2018

A week of citizenship…

Good evening!

It has been yet another jam-packed week at school for year 6 – we have had the pleasure of hosting Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service in year 6 on Tuesday, where the children learned about a number of important aspects to do with Fire and Safety, such as: staying safe in the home, what to do in a hazardous situation such as a fire in the home and the children also analysed risky and dangerous hazards in the home. It was a very informative day, and remember to check your fire-alarms once a week and to change your batteries for the alarms once a year!

On top of this, the children participated in their Junior Citizenship morning at Fort Purbrook where they learned about a whole range of activities to do with the wider community and keeping themselves safe in real-life scenarios. The children were a credit to St Peter’s and they responded really well to the new information that was presented to them.

Looking to next week, the adults and children of year 6 are looking forward to seeing any parents or carers at the Year 5 & 6 mass on Tuesday 20th November at 10:30 a.m.

Thank you

The year 6 team.

Create, refine, apply…

What a busy first two weeks back to school after a restful half-term!

Year 6 have been applying all of their memory skills to their writing over the past fortnight where they have been creating a Non-Chronological Report about their Activity Week that took place before half-term. The children thoroughly enjoyed recollecting their experiences and anecdotes during their writing process, and they were successful at delivering their reports during a school assembly last Friday. Again, the children did themselves proud as they were able to articulate clearly to the school their successes and conquests during the week, particularly at Fairthorne Manor.

Aside from English, year 6 have been creating their own scientific questions relating to Light. They have been able to refine their questions so they are more accurate and measurable, being able to identify what they are going to change and measure. We all look forward to investigating a whole variety of questions! As a side note, if any children have a torch they are willing to use for their investigation, then please bring it in for the start of the week.

Children have been working hard in Maths where they have developed their thought processes in choosing the most efficient methods for all four operations in arithmetic. This is a key aspect of their development as the more they can quickly decide and apply their chosen strategy, then the quicker they can work through the problem. Year 6 have also been working on ‘seeing’ the relationships between numbers in number sentences – another ‘lateral’ skill that will embed key learning for them.

For those parents and carers that would like to attend the Year 5 and 6 mass at Sacred Heart Church, it takes place on Tuesday 20th November 2018 at 10:30 a.m. The more parents, the better!