Monthly Archives: September, 2018

And we’re off…

Welcome back to the new school term which also marks the beginning of the final year at St Peter’s for our Year 6 pupils.

We have been extremely impressed with the way in which the children have quickly settled into their learning-they have definitely benefitted from the transition lessons set up at the end of the summer term.

Our English driver text is Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, and we have enjoyed watching the musical and then developing our writing skills to describe Fagin’s hideout from Oliver’s viewpoint. By blending action, description and emotions we are confident that the Year 6 pupils will be able to craft some engaging writing that can rival that of Dickens himself.

Maths lessons have focussed on building our understanding and ability to reason with numbers up to the tens of millions. Pupils have been  revising how to round to any given number and solving puzzles linked to this. Next week we will look at negative numbers and then combine all the skills in tackling real-life problems.

As is customary at this point of the year, RE is focussing on Creation – in particular the sacrifices that we make as followers of Jesus. The children examined the work that Moses undertook for God and reflected on what both he and the Hebrews had given up in order to follow Him.

Many thanks for all of your support with the children’s learning. You should have seen their Home Spelling Journals in which they are to practise their weekly spellings, and  their Home Learning Diaries in which they can record the homework tasks they are undertaking during the week. From Monday we will be issuing maths homework which will consolidate the learning from previous weeks. Please encourage children to read for 15 minutes daily and allow them to ‘play’ on Sumdog for 10 minutes at least 3 times per week; we know  this has a measurable impact on their progress.

Don’t forget we have the Year 6 Welcome Meeting/Fairthorne Manor Residential briefing at 5pm this Monday 17th September.

Until then, have a relaxing weekend.


The Year 6 Team