Another busy week!

Whilst production preparations are in full swing and it’s coming together nicely, we have also been continuing our learning in other areas this week.

Our RE studies are now centred on The Sacraments, so we spent lessons reminding ourselves of the seven sacrements, their meaning and how they are grouped. We then went on to explain the importance and meaning of the stages involved in Baptism and Confirmation and pupils found some very creative ways to communicate this in their books.

Both classes are enjoying the specialist basketball sessions on Monday afternoons which is developing their skills nicely. Children were excited to find out that Oaklands has its own basketball team during our transition chats with the future Head and Deputy Head of Year 7. Of course they also had many questions answered which will hopefully settle any nerves they have about moving on from primary education.

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a wonderful Mass at Sacred Heart Church on Tuesday. We are now looking forward to celebrating St Peter and St Paul’s Day Mass as a whole school on Friday 30th June. On the same day we have St Peter’s Fest to look forward to also. Many thanks to all parents who have volunteered their time to assist with the ‘Hook a Duck’ stall. Year 6 are looking forward to entertaining the crowd with their beach themed song.

Bikeability starts from Monday through to Friday with children working in small groups over the week. Bikes can be brought in and locked at school while this training is ongoing. As it looks like warm weather it would be advisable to provide sunscreen and waterbottles for those involved.

Enjoy the sun,

The Year 6 Team

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