In English this week we have been writing, editing and improving our final letters to enable the children to write persuasively on the issue of excess plastic waste in our oceans. The children have devised passionate and eloquent arguments to support their viewpoints as to why the Prime Minister, President Trump and global organisations such as Pepsi and Amazon should take global responsibility for ensuring that one-use plastic is reduced and more recyclable plastics are developed. We have been in awe at how the children have developed their stewardship voice and are becoming more politically aware of national and global issues concerning this matter. Once the letters are published, we will send them to their addressees.
Our trip to the House of Parliament in June will enrich their understanding of how laws are debated and created and hopefully inspire some future political voices to emerge.
In Maths, we have completed our last round of practise papers to inform us of what needs the children will be focusing on in the run up to our May assessments. We have been very impressed at the children’s focus and resilience in these tests – a fantastic learning attitude helps to reap the reward of progress.
RE saw the children ‘examine their conscience’ about forgiveness and through their Lenten promises have thought about how they will ‘reflect’ on their actions during this lent period. We also used scripture to examine the beatitudes and the children created their own versions for modern day life.
Creative tasks have been sent home for the children’s consideration and homework diaries are checked weekly on Monday to see what Maths, Reading and Spelling home learning has been completed. Please ensure that these diaries are in weekly.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 6 Team