S.T.E.M. Confetti Challenge

Another busy week in Year 6 finished with our second S.T.E.M. day – The Confetti Challenge! Pupils were asked to apply their knowledge of circuits to design and build a device that would ‘hoover-up’ all of the confetti left over after an end of term party. Using only a left over plastic bottle, a motor, batteries, wires and card, many ingenious contraptions were developed along the lines of a reversed hair dryer design. We learnt that the most successful models had fan blades that pulled the air through the bottle; three groups managed to lift confetti off the carpet! All children showed real enthusiasm and a great deal of resilience during the day. Their evaluation of what went well and how they can improve will definately benefit them when S.T.E.M. comes around again!

Talking of resilience and enthusiasm, we were extremely impressed with the way the Year 6 pupils approached their maths assessments this week. The hard work we have been putting in to arithmetic strategies is definately paying off with the majority of children achieving their best scores yet!

Many thanks to all parents who attended the recent SATs information evening; we hope you found it useful. Your child should have brought home their login for the strangely named but brilliantly useful ‘Compare4Kids’ website which will enable them to practise their arithmetic, grammar and spelling through daily ‘bootcamps’.

If you were unable to attend the information evening, the Powerpoint presentation is here:

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