Monthly Archives: January, 2018

Friday 26th January 2018

Another busy  week with the children. In English, we have been continuing with our tension stories. The children have planned their own ‘spooky’ story, based on the stories we have been looking at over the last few weeks. They will begin to write this on Monday for the Year 4 children to read at their camping night later in the year.

In Maths, we continue to focus on developing accuracy and efficiency in Arithmetic as well as calculating percentages and solving problems using fractions and percentages. The children will continue to make links with fractions and percentages to decimals this week.

RE continues with our Revelations unit. The children have used the scripture and story to think about St Paul’s revelation on the road to Damascus and what we, as Christians, can learn from this encounter with God. This week, we will apply these lessons to our own lives and the wider communities and world.

On Tuesday at 10.20 in the school hall, Year 5 and 6 will be having a Mass. All are welcome and we hope to see as many of you as possible.

Monday 29th January – SAT’s Meeting from 5pm to 6pm in the school hall. We will be sharing with you all about what will happen during the week and how you can help your child to prepare for these assessments. We look forward to seeing you there.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team


The importance of a Growth Mindset

We are now well into the Spring Term and the children have quickly settled back into their learning. Having spent the autumn term consolidating and building on the skills developed in Year 5, the new year is all about applying these in a range of different and sometimes unfamiliar contexts. It can be difficult for children to remain positive when having to tackle unfamiliar problems; they may find it hard to accept when they get the wrong solution or their work has not turned out quite the way they wanted. This is where developing a positive growth mindset comes in.

On Monday 15th January we spent every lesson focusing on feeling positive about our learning, identifying our strengths and areas where we could improve and take our learning to the next level. We learnt how to rephrase our frustrations into a positive outlook. Instead of saying ‘I made a mistake!’ we said ‘Mistakes are proof that I am trying!’. Instead of saying, ‘I can’t do it!’ we said, ‘I can’t do it – yet!’ We finished the day by identifying each others’ personal skills and qualities and then thinking about our ambitions and aspirations for the future.

In maths we completed our work on geometry and angles in shapes – pupils showed great confidence in tackling a wide range of non-routine problems. Our next unit is percentages so please do ask children what the reduced prices will be if you do take part in some late sale shopping. In English we have read a range of spooky stories to help us write effective campfire stories for the Year 4 camping night. Using their tension toolkits, children have already written some gripping tales as part of their learning.

Our RE journey has now moved into Revelations. This has involved reading scripture from Acts regarding the conversion of Saul. Children then created a ‘wanted’ poster to illustrate their understanding of Saul’s acts prior to his visit from Ananias.

You should have received a slip detailing the ‘creative homework tasks’. These all link with our scary story writing and study of electricity in science. We are looking forward to sharing the children’s work after the spring half-term.
Other daily homework tasks are as follows:

Reading – 15 mins a day. Focus on reading speed AND understanding of what has been read. Try and read a range of books.

Maths – We are sending marked arithmetic tests home every week. It would be useful to focus on a particular type of question children have struggled with. We will of course be covering these in daily arithmetic sessions too.

Spelling – we would like children to keep working on the Year3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists in addition to the spellings that are sent home weekly.

CGP Books – Please encourage your children to work through these books if you purchased them following our last parents evening. If you would like to order some for your child, please contact school reception.

We will be beginning additional booster lessons for maths and reading from Monday 29th January. Most of these will take place during the school day, however there are a couple of arithmetic booster groups that will begin at 8:30am. You will recieve a letter next week if your child has been identified as benefitting from this extra support.

Many thanks for your continued support,

The Year 6 Team