Remembrance Week

Dear all,

This week saw the children exploring war poetry and poetic devices in order to create their own remembrance poem.  We were amazed at how the children took on the task in such a short time to explore messages and emotions that they wanted to convey about war and remembering the fallen soldiers that gave their lives for the freedom of others. Both classes have created a memorial book of their work that will be offered at the Remembrance Assembly on Monday morning.

In Maths we started work on developing fraction and decimal knowledge for year 6. We will be completing a series of assessments next week to enable us to pin-point the next steps in the children’s learning.

In RE, we continue our work with Prayers, Saints and Feasts and look at the role of Saints within the Catholic faith. A reminder about the Year 5/6 Mass – Tuesday 21st November in the Sacred Heart Church at 10.20am. If there are any parents that can walk to the Church with the children, then please let the office or class teachers know of your availability.

The week ended well with a visit from authors – The Two Steves. The children enjoyed a fun-packed performance in the morning and then a writing workshop in the afternoon. We will be applying their story writing advice on Monday when the children have a go at writing a ghost-type story in preparation for our next unit of English.

Enjoy your week.

The Year 6 Team

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