Stubbington Week

I am sure by now you have been told about the fabulous week we all had at Stubbington.

The children undertook their daily tasks and challenges with enthusiasm, determination and such posititivity. The teamwork and support their showed to their classmates was outstanding and lovely for everyone to see in action.

Monday highlights: Watching the orange sky of the Sahara sandstorm on the beach whilst rockpooling, making sandcastles and fossil hunting. Fox and badger watching from the hide.

Tuesday: Making shelters from branches and ferns and then testing them for waterproofness. Fox and badger watching from the hide.

Wednesday/Thursday: Earthquake assault course, small mammal study – observing field mice and undertaking a pond study.

Friday: Stubbington Fox (Hide and Seek) with particular emphasis on being ‘face stamped’ if caught.

Overall, I am sure further highlights included the daily tuck shop visit and the food!!

During the week, the children’s behaviour was excellent and even with slight illnesses, spirits were kept high. They were a credit to St Peter’s. However, by the end of the week, tiredness had set in so we were all looking forward to our own beds again!

A photo album is in progress and will be added in due course.

Enjoy your half term and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 30th October.

The Year 6 team.

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