Week 5 – Friday 6th October 2017

What a busy week we have had!

Having completed our atmospheric descriptions in English, we began immersing ourselves in the fascinating world of bugs as preparation for writing a non-chronological report. This meant that we were able to watch some incredible videos showing the amazing variety of creatures present in the world, picking up on the topical language used.

Our English topic links with our study of evolution and inheritance in science, where this week we have learnt in more detail about how theories of evolution have changed over time. This led to some deep conversations about what we as individuals believe. It has been very interesting to see the children’s homework showing the characteristics they have inherited from their parents – these are up on display and attract a great deal of interest in class.

We are coming to the end of our study of creation in RE and have learnt the importance of the Sabbath and how it is kept holy by the Jews. Children are now creating a guide for making the celebration of Sabbath holy. Next week will see us begin our unit on Prayers, Saints and Feasts.

In maths we have completed our work on addition and subtraction by applying our skills to solving a range of word problems involving measures. Pupils have completed a cold task on multiplication and division which will be used to guide our learning next week.

Stubbington is now just around the corner and we are all very excited! In preparation we have been honing our map reading skills, identifying symbols and using 4 and 6 figure grid references to locate features.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 6 Team

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