Welcome back to the start of Year 6!


It’s been a great start to the new term.

The children have settled well into their new routines and have shown great positivity towards their learning.

In English, we have been immersing ourselves in descriptive narrative through fiction texts which centre on enigmatic nature of whales. The children have been spellbound listening to ‘Whale Boy’ by Nicola Davies and linking this text to the picture book ‘The Whale’ by Vita Murrow to start to create atmospheric descriptions of an encounter with a whale.

In Maths, we begin the term with place value and looking at the value of individual digits in numbers as well as writing these numbers in words. We have also been applying these number skills to problems to show how the children can use their knowledge of number to demonstrate their reasoning skills.

In RE, through scripture and the school mission statement, we have considered how Jesus’s teachings teaches us to live our lives as Christians. We will begin our Creation unit next week.

Children have been given their Home Learning diary this week. Could they please read the first few pages and last few pages to orientate themselves with the diary and complete any activities that are relevant to home learning.  Please record daily reading, maths activities and any other learning that takes place in the weekly diary and this will be reviewed and signed next week.

Daily Reminders  – individual water bottles to be brought in, homework diaries, break time snacks and a waterproof coat.

Walking home permission letters should be sent in to the class teacher to re-affirm your permission that your child is allowed to leave the school premises alone. This is so we are in agreement, for this new school year, regarding the arrangements for the end of the day.

If you would like to say hello or there is anything you would like to ask about this new year, please speak any member of the year 6 team and will be happy to help.

Enjoy your weekend,

The Year 6 Team


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