Monthly Archives: July, 2017

Goodbye Year 6

It’s that time of year when we say goodbye and good luck to the year 6 children who are moving on to the next stage of their education. The last two days saw the children go out on a high after two fantastic performances of High School Musical. It has been lovely to see the year group rise to this challenge in such a short time and to see such creative sides to the children’s personalities.

A few tears were shed on Tuesday at the Leaver’s Assembly as emotions of the last day rose to the surface. A fitting tribute to all children and staff that move on to new adventures elsewhere. Year 6 enjoyed a day of shirt and book signings around the school as well as a lunch party on the field before the final goodbyes to end the day with more tears. It was a testiment to their time at St Peter’s and the friendships made over the last seven years.

All the Year 6 team wish the chidren all the very best for Year 7 and to everyone, a fabulous, relaxing summer holiday.



Friday, 14th July

This week has been devoted to our production practice. We experienced the stage at Oaklands for the first time on Monday and again on Tuesday. Next Monday we will be there again, learning about the lights and sound. Our technical support team has been very busy preparing props while other rehearsals are taking place. As requested last week, please continue to help your children learn their lines and cues. We are now ‘off book’ so no-one has a script available to them any more. We had our first undirected run-through yesterday and it’s going well. We hope you have booked your tickets!

Could you please make sure children have their costumes at school on Thursday. We are going to make this our official dress rehearsal. If you have any problems acquiring costumes, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.

We raised a further £42 from a raffle this week and fund-raising continues. We have more sponsorship available if your child would like to undertake a personal challenge.

Everyone is looking forward to treat day next week – a morning on the field with a bouncy castle, lunch provided by the Friends and an afternoon disco. Another busy, busy week.

Have a great weekend,

The Year Six team.

Friday 7th July 2017

Dear all,

Another busy week with Production practise and it is progressing well. It is a huge project but it is coming together so please encourage your child to practise the songs especially ‘Counting on You’. These songs are available online.  Hopefully, you have received the costume letter but if you haven’t please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.

Our ‘Fun Afternoon’ was very successful and lots of fun was had by all year groups especially by those children who paid to throw sponges at some year 6 children. We will continue to raise more money with ‘Guess how many Sweets in the Jar’ over the next week. If you have any sweets you would like to contribute to the jar then please send them in with your child.  A very kind member of the office team has offer to count the money so far raised so a final total will be available next week.  We have sent sponsorship forms home for the children to undertake any personal challenges if they so wish. Thank you as always for your support.

Transistion morning today saw the Year 6’s completing their science work on classification and taking samples of leaves from the field, making scientific drawings of them and beginning to classify according to Linnaeus’s biological classification system. They will continue this on Monday afternoon when the school has an internal transition afternoon.

Next week’s key events:

Tuesday 11th July –  1.30pm Leavers Mass & Cream Tea

Thursday 13th July –  Year 6 Reports and SATs results sent home

Friday 14th July – Year 6 Oaklands Transition Day (any children not attending Oaklands will be undertaking an activity in school)

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team