This week we have started finalising roles for our production so next week all children should know whether they are a Jock, Brainiac, Thespian, Cheerleader or Skater Dude! We will also give some advice about costumes required, which should be the sort of clothes children already have. We have started on some of the songs, one of which will be presented at tonight’s Fest. Children have a song folder and should learn lyrics and practise songs as part of their homework. The two performances of High School Musical will take place on Monday, 24th July, times to be confirmed.
Our recent English lessons have had a sporting theme, learning to create suspense in writing by looking at Tom Daley and Usain Bolt during their Olympics campaigns. Children will continue to develop this next week and publish their finished pieces.
We have had a whole school focus on British values and Year 6 have discussed the meaning and implications of democracy and the right to vote – very topical. Hopefully, they will watch some appropriate news coverage of the election results and continue to develop their understanding of the voting system.
I’m sure we will see a lot of you at school this evening.
Finally, have a lovely weekend,
The Year 6 team.