Monthly Archives: May, 2017

Happy Half Term!

Dear all,

Here we are at the end of another half term! It has, as always, been incredibly busy.  The children have worked hard up until, during and after their SATs week, especially in their writing.  We have seen incredible commitment and perseverance from many children to achieve the best of themselves. It is always lovely to see them mature in this way.

This week saw the children complete their twisted fairy tales which will provide for some very exciting reading for the team over the holidays. More reasoning challenges and investigation also continued this week in Maths.

After half-term, we will be beginning Pentecost and Mission  in RE and the prayer bag is being sent home every Thursday to share a worship and to write a prayer for the class worship on the following Tuesday.

Following auditions over the last two weeks, speaking and singing parts have been allocated today and children have brought home scripts to begin to learn over half-term. All children will play a significant part in the production, as the production is an ensemble piece. Children have chosen whether they wish to be an actor/singer, dancer/cheerleeder or basket ball player and some have chosen to take a technical/stage role to support with backstage activities.

If your child does bring a script home, please encourage them to begin to practise their line and songs (accompanying music on Youtube or Vevo) as rehearsals begin in earnest next term.

Term commences Monday 5th June and with this warm weather upon us, ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.

Have a lovely half term.

The Year 6 Team


Friday, 19th May

Dear Parents,

This week has seen a return to a more normal timetable – not a practice test paper in sight! However, lots of writing has been taking place in English as children continue to make noticeable progress with such things as complex sentences, subordinating conjunctions, adverbials and advanced punctuation. This week we retold a ‘twisted’ fairy tale and next week we will be writing one of our own.

In Maths, we have been reasoning and investigating in a variety of contexts. Hopefully, we will soon be applying our skills to calculating the potential profitability of our fundraising activities, designed to cover the costs of our production. The scripts and other resources for High School Musical Jr. arrived today; we have already had initial singing auditions and further auditions will take place next week. We aim to cast the main parts by the end of next week so that those children can start to familiarise themselves with the script and begin to learn lines.

After a very variable week, we were glad to see the sun shine today and give us the opportunity for a bit of extra time outside this afternoon after our photo session. We hope it continues and that you all have a happy and relaxing weekend. One more week of hard work before half term!

With best wishes,

The Year Six team.


And now … relax

… well for the weekend anyway!

SATs are over and the children have been relaxing in front of a film and celebrating with a game of rounders, football and delicious muffins, courtesy of Mrs Grey, and cupcakes, courtesy of Patrick and family. Many thanks for these sweet treats to end a focused and tiring week.

The children did themselves proud with their focus and perserverance while taking their assessments as well as their commitment to revision . A huge thank you to parents for supporting with the revision preparation period before SATs as this support really helped the children to have more of an ‘all-round’ confidence when approaching this week’s assessments.

It’s not all been about tests this week as Year 6 have voted for High School Musical to be their end of year production. We are currently arranging the licence with Disney and the children have been organising themselves with fundraising ideas and audition scripts and songs.  Children who are interested in a speaking part will be auditioning by reading a part of the musical’s script as well as singing part of a song from the production. These audition materials came home with the children today and the songs are available on YouTube/Vevo to provide musical accompaniment. We envisage beginning rehersals on Tuesday next week.

Lessons resume to normal next week and we will be focusing on writing narrative using a well-known fairy tale as inspiration and investigations/reasoning activities will be the focus in Maths. In RE, we will continue to look at the actions and thoughts of Thomas towards Jesus after the resurection through writing a monologue.The weekly prayer bag will resume next week. The prayers written, by the children, to share in our class worships have been beautifully thoughtful and reflective so thank you for your support and encouragement.

Have a wonderful ‘Eurovision’ weekend,

The Year 6 Team

5th May

Dear Parents,

Today we said farewell to Mrs Pearson, who has taught and supported a lot of your children for more than a term. Happily, she has promised to join us for our end of year performance so we will all see her again for a final goodbye.

After a very busy week of preparation and revision, SATs are upon us. Your children came home with a letter today outlining the timetable. The most important thing to note is that they can arrive at school at 8.15 from Monday to Thursday, if they wish, and have a gentle start to the morning with their friends.  Otherwise we are as ready as we can be, and, as Mr Cunningham advised today, a bit of revision of things that are still a bit worrying, combined with a lot of rest and relaxation, will be the best start to the week ahead.

We hope you have a great weekend,

The Year Six team.