Spring is here!

This week is Year 6 has been varied and busy as usual.

Year 6 enjoyed a morning of Greek cookery at Oaklands on Monday and made some delicious food for lunch. Each child experienced a flatbread filled with Greek salad and lamb Koftas. Reviews of the food were excellent and many children tried food they hadn’t experienced before and enjoyed it. The teachers in the school’s Food Technology department were very complimentary about the behaviour of the children and how enthusiastic they were during the activity. (Due to downloading difficulties , photos will follow next week)

Tuesday saw all Key Stage 2 children take part in the Penitential Service. During this period of Lent, the children were asked to think about what they needed to say sorry for and place a prayer stone on the altar to signify their forgiving of themselves and others. This theme has been reflected in class worships and RE lessons this week the children have been looking at the Penitential Rite and creating their own examination of conscience.

Please find attached this week’s RE newsletter:


In English, we have been continuing to investigate language features of non-chronological reports and today began the children began to plan a report based on their own mythical creature in order to write next week.  In Maths, we have been continuing with revision on key areas identified by the children and teachers to ensure that the children feel more able to confidently approach challenging multi-step problems. Please continue to support your child in areas such as arithmetic, times tables and reasoning problems using fractions and decimals.

Children are given the opportunity to share their home learning during the week as there is an expectation that all children are undertaking daily activities including reading, maths activities/revision and the topic pyramid. It is important that they value and commit to these tasks to consolidate and deepen their learning as well as develop their learning habits for home learning in Year 7. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Next Tuesday sees the children taking part in the ‘Stations of The Cross’ event during the day to mark Holy Week and also, after school on Tuesday is an informal parent drop-in session where you are able to view the work that your child(ren) have been undertaking this term. We look forward to welcoming you into Year 6.

Have a lovely weekend enjoying the sun!

The Year 6 Team



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