This week in Year 6

Dear all,

Big thank you to all your support for our recent CAFOD appeal. The office staff are in the process of counting the money that was donated so a final total is on the way. If you still have any spare change that you would like to donate please either send in with your child or give in to the office directly.

Another big thank you to the families that have already recieved the prayer bags this week and have sent in prayers for us to share in class collective worship. The children are incredibly motivated to take part and the presentation and effort in the prayer book has been of an excellent standard so thank you for your support.  We will continue to send home the prayer bag on a Friday to be returned on the following Tuesday. This week’s RE newsletter is below.


In Maths, we have been focusing on problem solving through shapes and angles. Next week we will be looking at problem solving and investigation through measures. English sees the start of a new unit: Non-chronological reports based on mythical creatures. The children have really engaged so far so we are looking forward to creating our own creatures.

On Monday, Year 6 will be going to Oaklands to cook a Greek menu and then eat together at lunch. Groups will prepare and cook Lamb Kofkas, flatbreads and Greek salad. On Tuesday, Key Stage Two will take part in a Penitential service in the hall and  from Thursday the Travelling Book Fair will be selling books in the school foyer.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Mother’s Day.

The Year 6 Team




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