Week 2 10.3.17

Our week has seen some great fundraising for the Big Fish CAFOD project. Year 6 children purchased little fish for 10p each and stuck them into a fishing net. We will count the money next week to find an exact total. If any other change can come in on Monday then that will be gratefully appreciated.  Please share the weekly prayer below with your family and continue to collect the jigsaw pieces at Mass.


Thank you for all parents that attended parents evening this week for 6S. 6T parents evening is rescheduled for next week.

It is a great opportunity to continue to support the school/home link which is so important for the children. Parental support is invaluable and has a great effect, not only on your child’s self esteem but their progress too. This joint, consistent approach to supporting learning has produced all-round positive results for children.

Thank you again for your continued support with preparing children for their SATs. If you identify any ‘sticking points’ in your child’s understanding, then please note in their home learning diary and we can address these in lessons. We have continued to share test papers results with the children this week so they feel that the assessments they are completing have value to progress their learning. It has been lovely to see the children proud of their achievements as well as being invested in wanting to improve their learning.

A new home learning pyramid has gone home with the children today. Our half-termly topic is The Greeks and we will be exploring ancient and modern-day Greece in English and Topic as well as cooking Greek food in DT. Our weekly expectation for home learning is that the children complete one task from the pyramid, read daily for at least 20-25 minutes and complete a maths activity daily including times tables practise, if appropriate.

Wishing you have lovely weekend with family and friends,

The Year 6 Team


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