Friday 10th February

During this week in English we have been continuing our writing around Shaun Tan’s ‘The Arrival’ and the children have been using drama to inspire writing from a first person account about immigration and refugees. The emotive language used in their writing was incredibly empathatic and thoughtful. We will explore this further next week with diary writing.

In Maths,  we have been continuing to look at key skills and strategies to solve multi-step problems as well as focus on recall of times table knowledge. Further practise sheets will come home on Monday for key times tables that the children have identified for target practise. Next week we will be focusing on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages through measures.

A big thank you for the four year 6 children who, along with year 5 children, attended the Primary Maths Challenge event at Oaklands this week. The team reported that they had enjoyed the challenges and had to work harder for some of them!! They represented St Peter’s beautifully.

Reminder: Wednesday 15th February at 5pm – SATs meeting for Year 6

Have a lovley weekend.

Year 6 Team

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