Fabulous Friday

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a brilliant end to a busy and demanding week.

We have had  fun completing our persuasive writing and this afternoon thoroughly enjoyed seeing the amazing gadgets children designed and made at home. Thank you so much for your support with this. We were really impressed by the children’s confident use of persuasive language – the dragons were fully convinced. As always, there is never enough time in one afternoon to do justice to 64 presentations, so we will make sure we hear the rest on Monday.

Your children have no doubt been coming home and telling you about all of the practice SATs testing we have done this week. This serves two important purposes: the first, to teach children the test strategies they will need to use in the real SATs in May; secondly, to give us a clear indication of what we still need to do to ensure they are as fully prepared as possible for the content of the tests. The children all coped very well and we will be using the tests over the coming weeks to learn from them and move forward.

We have set a date for a parents’ evening about SATs on Wednesday, 15th February. You should receive a letter about this early next week.

We hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend,

From the Year Six team.

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