Happy Christmas!

Our last week has definitely had a festive feel! Christmas lunch was a great success with the Year 6 assisting the younger children with their lunch, great fun was had at the Pantomime – Peter Pan and it was great to see so many Christmas jumpers today.  Also, a huge thank you to all of the cards and gifts that were brought in for staff – it is never expected but so greatly appreciated.

No formal homework has been set for children over the Christmas period. We have spoken to the children about maintaining regular reading for comprehension as well as increasing vocabulary choices. Maths opportunities are available online if required. Any encouragement of home learning is welcome if your child has a opputune moment.

The first part of next half term sees our English based around Anthony Horowitz’s Stormbreaker and in Maths we will be looking at fluency, problem solving and reasoning across all four operations.

All that is left to say is have a wonderful Christmas holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January 2017.

The Year 6 Team


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