Anti-Bullying Week

As this is National Anti-Bullying Week, we have been discussing with the children ways to keep themselves safe on the internet and social media. The children had interesting discussions around this topic and asked thoughtful questions to deepen their understanding of how cyber bulling occurs, what to do if this happens to them and the emotional effects that words can have on people’s feelings in both the short and long term.

This message was also part of their morning trip to Fort Purbrook to take part in a variety of activities in how to stay safe in different scenarios. Workshops included: safe fun at the beach; keeping the environment clean; what to do in a fire emergency; domestic abuse and social media/chatroom/stranger safety.  Evaluating the activities with the children afterwards showed that they found these sessions of great value and learned many things that they had not been aware of beforehand. Please feel free to speak to your children about their morning.

Just to remind you again, following the letter earlier this week, about the Year 5 and 6 Mass at the Sacred Heart Church next Tuesday (22nd November). Everyone is welcome and we would love to see as many people as possible to support the children. Please send in the acceptance slips by Tuesday morning. If anyone is able to accompany us on the walk to and from the church, please let us know by Monday.

A big thank you for supporting us in home learning. It is so important that you encourage to complete daily reading and weekly tasks. Just a reminder that we would like Home Learing Adventure books by Friday each week. Abacus, My Maths and Bug Club reading have been set.

Enjoy your weekend.

Year 6 Team

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