Half Term Arrives!

Our final week of learning has ended with a fantastic 6Cs Day! The children really enjoyed the opportunity to work in house teams across the year groups. Year 6 especially relished the opportunity to support the younger children with their learning and a chance to develop positive learning behaviours across the whole school. Well done Year 6; we are proud of you! 🙂

Home Learning Update –

Abacus and MyMaths homework has been set for half term.

Our current R.E. unit is Prayers, Saints and Feasts and explores the concept of Heaven and the church’s belief in Mary and the feasts celebrated in her honour. The children will take a more detailed look at the lives of the Holy souls and the saints and their significance in our lives today.  Please encourage your child to produce a piece of work (writing/art/poetry etc) to reflect an aspect of this unit they wish to explore in greater detail.

Please finish any home learning on the Child vs Wild topic before Friday 2nd November as we will be beginning a new topic after half term – ‘Frightening Fiction’ – which will be based around Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. If your child is enthusiastic/at a loose end over half term, then please feel free to start investigating Mary Shelley’s life and works and visual images of Frankenstein.

We hope that you all have a happy, fun and safe half term holiday and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 1st November.

Year 6 Team



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