Dear Parents,

We have had a productive week, completing our Just So stories ready to share on Monday, working very hard to develop our understanding of fractions and learning about Mary Anning.

Next week is set to be a busy one. On Tuesday the NSPCC will be delivering  assemblies to KS1 and KS2, and Year 6 will be taking part in a workshop in the afternoon. Friday, of course, is 6Cs day.

A reminder that Drink Drive posters should be in school by Wednesday. They are being collected on Thursday and we need time to make sure they are correctly labelled.

We are very pleased with the work happening at home to support spelling. Spelling test results reflect this. Please continue to encourage your children to read daily and make sure they are reading a range of books, including non-fiction. There are lots of fun diary-type or graphic novels out there, but they need variety and challenge too to improve their vocabulary and inference skills. This message is being communicated through our Guided Reading sessions.

On Monday, we will be looking at inheritance as part of our science unit on adaptation and evolution. It would be lovely if we could have some family photographs so we can spot similarities through the generations. You might prefer to send photocopies rather than original photos which are precious to you. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, we just need a small sample.

Have a lovely weekend,

The year 6 team.

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