Monthly Archives: October, 2016

Half Term Arrives!

Our final week of learning has ended with a fantastic 6Cs Day! The children really enjoyed the opportunity to work in house teams across the year groups. Year 6 especially relished the opportunity to support the younger children with their learning and a chance to develop positive learning behaviours across the whole school. Well done Year 6; we are proud of you! 🙂

Home Learning Update –

Abacus and MyMaths homework has been set for half term.

Our current R.E. unit is Prayers, Saints and Feasts and explores the concept of Heaven and the church’s belief in Mary and the feasts celebrated in her honour. The children will take a more detailed look at the lives of the Holy souls and the saints and their significance in our lives today.  Please encourage your child to produce a piece of work (writing/art/poetry etc) to reflect an aspect of this unit they wish to explore in greater detail.

Please finish any home learning on the Child vs Wild topic before Friday 2nd November as we will be beginning a new topic after half term – ‘Frightening Fiction’ – which will be based around Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. If your child is enthusiastic/at a loose end over half term, then please feel free to start investigating Mary Shelley’s life and works and visual images of Frankenstein.

We hope that you all have a happy, fun and safe half term holiday and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 1st November.

Year 6 Team



Dear Parents,

We have had a productive week, completing our Just So stories ready to share on Monday, working very hard to develop our understanding of fractions and learning about Mary Anning.

Next week is set to be a busy one. On Tuesday the NSPCC will be delivering  assemblies to KS1 and KS2, and Year 6 will be taking part in a workshop in the afternoon. Friday, of course, is 6Cs day.

A reminder that Drink Drive posters should be in school by Wednesday. They are being collected on Thursday and we need time to make sure they are correctly labelled.

We are very pleased with the work happening at home to support spelling. Spelling test results reflect this. Please continue to encourage your children to read daily and make sure they are reading a range of books, including non-fiction. There are lots of fun diary-type or graphic novels out there, but they need variety and challenge too to improve their vocabulary and inference skills. This message is being communicated through our Guided Reading sessions.

On Monday, we will be looking at inheritance as part of our science unit on adaptation and evolution. It would be lovely if we could have some family photographs so we can spot similarities through the generations. You might prefer to send photocopies rather than original photos which are precious to you. Don’t worry if you don’t have any, we just need a small sample.

Have a lovely weekend,

The year 6 team.

Friday 7th October 2016

Dear Parents,

We have been working hard this week, studying Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. The children have been using their creativity skills to plan their own Just So ‘Giraffe’ story, which we are looking forward to writing next week.

We have spent some time investigating fractions this week. The year 6 teachers are getting very excited about continuing fraction work next week, however we have received a mixed reaction from the children – some smiles, some groans!! If you feel like doing a fraction related investigation of your own this weekend, this could make your child feel more confident for next week.  Thank you.

At the beginning of the week, we had a visit from local PCSOs who delivered a session about Drink Driving and invited children to design a poster for a local community competition to discourage drink driving as we go towards Christmas. Children have brought their poster home this week to complete as part of their homework tasks.

Maths activities are available for your child.

As part of our CAFOD fundraising event today, the children enjoyed the challenge of designing, planning and resourcing their team’s activity. A good time was had by all and were very proud to have contributed to the total raised.

Have a great weekend (especially if it includes fractions 🙂

The Year 6 Team