Monthly Archives: March, 2015

Weekly Blog

This week we have been learning all about the book called Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. We have drawn mind maps about some of the characters thinking about their point of view and how they might be feeling. We looked at the nouns and the verbs predicting what the story line is. We then went in groups and got into character and have a discussion about what we think should happen about the pancake house. We don’t want to spoil the book in case you would like to read it.
This week in maths have been practising SATS style questions by filling in booklets. Some of us have been doing levels 4-5 and level 6 booklets, preparing for May. Other than that we are learning about angles and using a protractor.
In R.E. we have been making guides on how to be a good Christian. We read the Beatitudes and used that to back up what we thought. Our Success Criteria was to refer to the Scriptures and Beatitudes and to understand that they provide a model for a Christian living. In our work we were mostly thinking about the Ten Commandments, the main one that our class agreed on is to treat others the way you want to be treated. On Tuesday 17th March year 4 joined us in a Mass at the Sacred Heart all about Self-Giving. Father Kevin showed us and talked to us about the Church and what Christians do there. We really enjoyed ourselves and hope that year 4 did to. Thank you to all the parents that helped us to walk there we could not do it without you.
This week we have been collecting Pringles Tubes so that we can view the solar eclipse on the 20th of March. Although it was cloudy, we really enjoyed using our Pinhole Cameras and we noticed a difference in the temperature. We thank Mr Mortimer, Alfie and Mrs Hudson for helping us make them, it was really worth it! We will be updating you soon with all our new topics and we are really enjoying it. Hope you all saw the Solar Eclipse, even if you didn’t we hope you enjoyed reading all about it.
By Olivia W and Charlotte K

Blog of the week!

Year 6 have had a very exiting week with red nose day, a mental math test, super cool playtimes, with lessons about the Good Samaritan and a poor widow lady in R.E

The whole school had the lovely pleasure of watching the exciting dolphin’s assembly.

The penguins class enjoyed doing a shared writing lesson with year 4, while The Seals went to the Oaklands chapel for a reflective worship.

This week, in literacy we have been finishing our endangered animals report and we are doing a new topic! Drum roll please…HOOT! We have had nouns and verbs on the board and trying to predict what will happen and then writing a story opener of our predictions

All in all it was a good week.

By Heather Layton and Stevie Clark.

Photos from our visit to the Jane Austen House!

On Monday the 2nd of March 2015 we went to the Jane Austen House Museum in Chawton.  We went to Chawton House Library where Jane Austens brother lived after he was adopted. We had a tour of the Library and did Regency dancing. We also went into Jane Austens house and did object handling. It was really fun and we all enjoyed it.

Blog by Jess Goff.